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How Do I Know If My Cat Was Poisoned

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The Homeowners Guide To Catching Rats & Mice

How to Give Your Cat the Antidote for Rat Poison

Every year, rats and mice enter 20 million U.S. homes uninvited. They reproduce rapidly, and can cost thousands of dollars in damages and extermination costs. They can ruin equipment, spoil food and start fires by chewing on wires.

Weve trapped millions of rats and mice and the knowledge of what it takes to achieve success is highlighted in this guide.

What Are the Safer Alternatives to Using Rat Poison?

How Much Antifreeze Will Kill A Cat

The short answer is not a lot. Simply walking through a small puddle and then licking their fur clean is likely to mean that a cat ingests enough antifreeze to be fatal. This is not just because cats are so small, they are in fact over 3 times more sensitive to ethylene glycol than dogs.

The toxic dose of undiluted antifreeze in cats is 1.4ml per kg body weight

This means a standard 10lb cat only needs to drink a little over 6ml of antifreeze to develop a fatal poisoning.

A teaspoon of ethylene glycol could kill your cat.

What Should I Do If My Cat Has Drunk Antifreeze

If you do suspect your cat has drunk antifreeze then you should call your vet or, out of hours, your nearest Vets Now emergency clinic, straight away. If the cat is treated immediately after exposure it has a far greater chance of survival. Your cat will, however, need intensive treatment. Tragically, the survival rate is very low if the kidneys have been damaged and cats often have to be put to sleep.

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Can Cats Recover From Poisoning On Their Own

Whether or not a cat can recover from poisoning without veterinary treatment depends on the overall health of the cat, the amount of toxic substance the the cat was exposed to, and the type of poison. Most of the time, it is still a very good idea to call your vet for advice. If your cat is showing any signs of poisoning, then call your vet immediately.

Other Common Sources Of Poison To Cats Include:

How to know if my cat has been poisoned

Gum and candy that contain xylitol

A sugar substitute that harms cats and dogs.


These plant foods can irritate the stomach and damage red blood cells.

Rat and mouse poison

Rodenticides, if ingested, can cause severe symptoms and may be fatal.

Pet medications

Just as we can be sickened or killed by medications intended to help us, cases of pet poisoning by veterinary drugs are not uncommon. Some of the more commonly reported problem medications include painkillers and de-wormers.

Chemical hazards

Not surprisingly, chemicals contained in antifreeze and paint thinner, and chemicals for pools, can act as cat poisons. The symptoms they may produce include stomach upset, depression, and chemical burns.

Heavy metals

Lead, which can be found in paint, linoleum, and batteries, can be poisonous if eaten by your cat. If ingested, lead can cause gastrointestinal and neurological problems.

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My Cat Ate Rat Poison Heres What To Do

Its not uncommon for our furry friends to find themselves in trouble after eating something they shouldnt have. If your cat ate rat poison, he will need to be seen by a veterinarian. Why? Because rat poison is intended to do just thatpoison . Sadly, it not only targets rodents but can also kill other animals, including our precious pets. Your veterinarian can help save your kitty, but youll need to call them as soon as possible after theyve eaten rat poison.

Things That Are Poisonous To Cats

There are a lot of everyday products and foods that you might not realize are harmful to cats.

Cats should not eat chocolate, caffeine, xylitol , macadamia nuts, onions, garlic, chives, grapes and raisins, Dr. Irish said.

Some other foods that are poisonous to cats include alcohol, raw or undercooked eggs, meat or fish, and yeast dough.

A lot of common household products are toxic to cats, too.

This list can be quite long, and it is forever changing! Dr. Irish said. Ideally, youd want to keep your kitties away from any cleaners you use, especially liquid bleach and powdered drain cleaners. Essential oils can be very irritating to cats airways, and salt lamps are poisonous if licked.

Dangerous household products include bleach, prescription medications, pain medications, rat poison, essential oils, soap, air fresheners and dog medication . Many of these products are harmful to people if ingested also, so theyre a little easier to remember to keep away from your cat.

And finally, there are a number of plants and flowers that are poisonous to cats as well.

Lilies and daylilies are some of the most toxic flowers to cats even pollen from these flowers can lead to acute kidney failure. Some other poisonous flowers include daisies, mums, tulips, azaleas and daffodils.

Some poisonous houseplants include aloe, jade, snake plants, sago palm, kalanchoe and English ivy.

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Treatment For Cats With Symptoms

It can be more complex to treat cats that are showing symptoms of rat bait poisoning. The treatment your cat receives will depend on the type of poison they have eaten and what signs they have. They may need to stay at the clinic overnight for their treatment.

You can expect your cat to be on a fluid drip. A blood transfusion might be necessary for anemic cats who have eaten an anticoagulant baitvitamin K is given as an antidote for these types of poison. Cats that are fitting will need special medication to control the seizures. It may take at least several days for your veterinarian to stabilize your cat if they have signs of poisoning.

Signs & Symptoms Of Cat Poisoning

Top Signs Your Dog Is Poisoned | Poisoning Symptoms In Dogs

The prospect of poisoning strikes fear in the hearts of most cat owners. Youve likely asked yourself, How can I tell my cat has been poisoned?.

As you can see above, many substances are toxic to cats, and signs of poisoning will vary depending on the nature of the substance and whether your cat inhaled or ingested it. Poisons can also enter the bloodstream through your cats skin. Here are some of the most common symptoms of cat poisoning:

  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Diarrhea
  • Irregular heartbeat

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How Is Ethylene Glycol Poisoning Diagnosed

It can be difficult! Testing kits are available but they are not very accurate with some medications resulting in a false positive result. They are also not sensitive enough to pick up all cases of poisoning in cats and so can incorrectly come back with a negative result. In my experience this means that most practices will not even stock these tests.

A blood test to look at general body and organ health will often be the first test run in any cat showing some of the symptoms of antifreeze poisoning Ive just discussed. These wont show specific changes that only antifreeze can cause. Instead the results will show changes due to acute kidney failure. This could be due to several different diseases of which antifreeze poisoning is one.

Urine testing can also be very useful and in some cases confirm the diagnosis of ethylene glycol toxicity. What your vet will be looking for is the presence of certain crystals within the urine. These are only present after about 3 hours of poisoning and once once a certain amount of kidney damage has taken place urine stops being produced so you can see that they wont always be present. Also, some antifreeze products contain a dye that causes the urine to glow under UV light.

Based on the test results, your vet may wish to do other tests such as abdominal xray or ultrasound before reaching a working diagnosis of antifreeze poisoning in your cat.

Signs Of Poisoning In Cats

Symptoms of poisoning can vary depending on what your cat ate.

It depends on the type of poison, Dr. Irish told The Dodo. Some poisonous plants may cause gastrointestinal signs, like vomiting or diarrhea, if ingested, or they can cause tongue lesions and excessive drooling if just irritating to chew upon. Certain topical flea products made for dogs, when applied to cats, can cause neurologic signs, like tremors and seizures. If rat poison is ingested, it can cause bruising, bloody vomit and internal bleeding.

While your cat can show different symptoms depending on the type of toxin he ate or was exposed to, here are some general signs of poisoning you can watch out for:

  • Vomiting
  • Jaundice
  • Mouth or skin irritation

Its important to note that if your cat does eat something bad, symptoms can show up anywhere from immediately to several days later, so you should keep a very close eye on him and seek veterinary help as early as possible .

Symptoms for some poisonings can occur right away or within 48 to 72 hours, Dr. Irish said. Rat poison can be absorbed very quickly, showing signs within hours, while overdosing on anti-inflammatories may take two to three days to start showing symptoms.

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What Food Is Poisonous To Cats

If you have a cat that is happy to eat everything theyre given, it might surprise you to learn that some foods are poisonous to cats.

With cats content to investigate shopping bags and leftovers in the kitchen, food is often readily available in the home and this can unfortunately make your cat unwell. Some of the most common foods to cause poisoning in cats include:

  • Chocolate theobromine, a chemical found in chocolate, is toxic to most animals and can cause illness in cats. Signs of poisoning include vomiting, diarrhoea, drinking a lot and disorientation
  • Alcohol while it is obvious not to give your cat alcohol, accidents and spillages occur. Ethanol, the chemical found in alcohol, is also in surgical spirit and hand sanitiser so make sure you keep these items out of reach
  • Grapes, sultanas, raisins and currants dried fruit can cause renal failure in cats, it is thought that cats suffering from ongoing kidney disease are more at risk. Their consumption can also lead to gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting and diarrhoea. Keep the fruit bowl away from your cat to stay safe.
  • Onions and garlic and other members of the allium family of vegetables. Symptoms of allium poisoning include vomiting, abdominal discomfort and lethargy. Avoid feeding them to your feline, and always consult your vet if you suspect poisoning

What Causes Poisoning In Cats

How To Know If Your Cat Has Been Poisoned

Many substances can cause poisoning in cats. Some of the most common causes of cat poisoning include:

  • Poisonous plants such as lilies , tulips, and rhododendrons, azaleas
  • Ingesting or physical contact with common household products like bleach, disinfectants, and other cleaning products, antifreeze, insecticides, pesticides, and rodenticides
  • Common drugs like Ibuprofen, acetaminophen , antidepressants, cannabis products, and over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers
  • Topical insecticides designed to kill fleas and ticks and all products containing permethrin
  • Ingestion of human foods, especially anything that contains xylitol, garlic, onions, alcohol, chocolate, black tea, coffee, excessive levels of fat, raw fish, grapes, and raisins, or any other dried fruit

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Diagnosis & Treatment Of Poisoning In Cats

Diagnosis and treatment of a poisoned cat will depend on the circumstances of the situation. The more information you can relay to your vet, the better. If youre not sure what has caused your cat to fall ill, your vet will run a series of tests to reveal information that could assist in diagnosis.

Recovery from poisoning will greatly depend on the amount of the poisonous substance your cat has been exposed to and how quickly you can get them to the vet for treatment. The prognosis for cats that are treated early for poisoning is much better than for cats whose treatment has been delayed.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet’s condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is your cat displaying symptoms of poisoning, or have you seen your pet consuming a toxic substance? Contact our Somerset County emergency veterinary hospital right away. Our compassionate emergency vets are available to help your pet 24/7, 365 days a year.


Antifreeze Poisoning In Cats

Antifreeze is used often in the winter in car radiators or in screen wash and de-icers to prevent freezing. Containing ethylene glycol, this substance is particularly harmful to cats and can prove fatal if ingested. It only takes a spillage on the driveway or a cat walking through a puddle and then grooming its fur for the poison to be ingested. This quickly affects a cats kidneys, with damage sometimes so severe that the cat may not survive.

To prevent your cat from the poison in antifreeze, try to use screen wash or de-icer sprays that do not contain ethylene glycol. If you have drained your car radiator and some of the product remains, wipe it up quickly. Keep products containing ethylene glycol out of reach, so your cat cant get to it.

If you suspect that your cat has been poisoned by antifreeze, take them to the vet immediately.

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Treatment Of Poisoning In Cats

Veterinarians often work with poison control centers, using a pet poison helpline, to obtain specific detailed advice for the treatment of individual poisons.

  • Antidotes. Only a few poisons have specific antidotes: examples include some types of rat poison. Your vet will guide you as to when this is appropriate.
  • Emetics. If the poison has recently been eaten, the induction of vomiting by an emetic given by your vet is an effective way of emptying the stomach and removing the poison. This has to be done within two hours of the poison being eaten, which is why it is so important to rush your poisoned cat to the vet.
  • Gastric lavage. In some cases, gastric lavage may be suggested by your veterinarian.
  • Gastrointestinal adsorbents such as activated charcoal are sometimes used to reduce the absorption of certain poisons from the digestive tract/
  • Colonic lavage may be used to flush poisons out of the lower part of the digestive tract in some cases.

What Happens If A Cat Eats A Poisoned Rat/rat Poison

Has My Dog Been Poisoned? (top poisoning symptoms in dogs)

Cats are natural predators, so a weak or poisoned rodent is an easy catch for your furry friend. Unfortunately, our cats can get just as poorly and die from eating a poisoned rat as they can from eating poison straight off the ground its called secondary poisoning. No matter how your kitty has been poisoned they need to see the vet.

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How Do Rodenticides Work

There are several different ingredients that might be used to make rat poison. Long-acting anticoagulants are the most common, and they work by causing internal bleeding in the animal that ingests them. Others contain ingredients that trigger kidney failure, brain swelling, or phosphine gas development in the stomach.

All of these different types of poisons work on dogs, cats, and humans as well as they work on mice and rats.

My Cat Ate Rat Poison What Do I Do

  • Dont try to make your cat vomit. If weak from the effects of the poison, they might inhale some of the vomit this can be fatal.
  • Remove any remaining bait to stop your cat from eating any more.
  • Find out what type of poison it is and roughly how much is missing .
  • to tell them what has happened if they are closed, call the clinic covering their out-of-hours.
  • If your cat is weak, they may have internal bleeding you will need to keep them warmwrap them in a blanket and place them in their carrier for secure transport to the clinic.

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My Cat Is Throwing Up Clear Liquid

Last Updated on October 6, 2021 by Jenny

Cat vomit can be a number of different colors, depending on what the cause is. However, it can also vary depending on what your cat has eaten , as well as any dyes in the foods that they have eaten, and various other factors.

So, you cant tell exactly what is wrong with a cat just from the color of their vomit. Yet, there are some potential causes of clear cat vomit, some of which may not be serious at all, but some that could be.

If your cat vomits clear liquid as a one-off, it may that they have drunk too much water, or they could be vomiting digestive fluid due to a hairball or potentially something more serious. Frequent vomiting should always be a cause for concern.

This post is for entertainment purposes only. Please review our terms and conditions. Always consult with your veterinarian.

Remember that I am an experienced cat owner, but I am not a veterinarian! So, while you can use this article to learn more about some of the causes of clear cat vomit, you must always get your cat checked out if you arent absolutely sure they are fine.

According to the American Association of Feline Practitioners, cat vomiting is never normal, and should be considered an emergency if your cat experiences sudden and severe bouts, where you should seek immediate medical care.

Items That Are Dangerous To Cats

Has my cat been poisoned? Symptoms

There are many substances that can make your cat sick, including common products in your cleaning cabinet, and even some food and houseplants.

  • Essential oils: Oils come in different strengths and potencies, so this can be harder to nail down. But Paulsen says he and his team have seen cat poisoning from essential oils firsthand. With the increase in the use of essential oils, were seeing a lot of the oils causing some toxicity in our cats…mostly from a respiratory component because of the diffusers people are using. He says the list of essential oils that are toxic to cats is longer than most people would imagineand with many cats susceptible to respiratory illness, and diffusers being placed at the cats leveltheyre best avoided.
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